My grandpa pulled me away for a short talk this evening. And i wasn't exactly very nice him because i was tired, and i knew what was coming. Grades. It was like a repeat of my and my mum squabble, abt her comparing my grades in CA1 and CA2. And i was like, wht the hell is your problem, i every year also will fluctuate. Im a human, and humans make mistakes. You cant expect me to maintain a certain grade for like every term? Not like the papers standard dont change. She kept bugging me about it precisely because my rs grew open. My grandpa was nicer to me. But still, long-winded. It made me pissed at him, pissed at myself, pissed at the whole world. And yet, i find myself tearing at his words. Which at this point of time i suddenly can't remember, (or is it just choosing not to rmb). Maybe it hurts, but right now i really dont knw wht trigger me. Twice i find my vision blurring , and even though my response was like shit, because i somehow cant decide being teary/grumbly, i know its time to buck up. I hope i know though. Because sometimes you know, but you dont do the things you know. Ohwell, im just a hopeless emotional creature. In any case, he made a bet with me but i know it isnt much of the point. Wht he wants, wht my mum wants, wht this society wants, i just have to try my every best to give, don't I?
Pictures time!! Happy moments, as i remember how sweet these dates can actually be.
TCC!!! LALALA! Even though the prices went up like alot, but still!! Heh took many pictures, but i shan't post my favourite one. YAY I LOVE THIS GUY!